Parkhotel zum Stern GmbH & Co. KG
Elke Lepper
Hersfelder Straße 1
36280 Oberaula
Phone: +49 6628 92020
Fax: +49 6628 920235
Commercial Register Marburg HRA 5025
VAT ID-No. DE 317190877
Hotel zum Stern
The “Flair Hotel Zum Stern” reserves all rights to duplication and dissemination by special technical processes (e.g. data dissemination, data carriers, data networks). The hotel operator accepts no responsibility for misprints and transcription errors.
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We have no control over the content of linked web pages. Sole responsibility for the content of websites linked to our website rests with the respective author(s).
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR), which can be accessed at
Hersfelder Straße 1
D-36280 Oberaula
Tel: +49 6628 92020
Fax: +49 6628 920235
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